We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!
Committees are vital to the success of our CFMA chapter. Members can volunteer in a variety a ways within CFMA. This is a great way for you to get to know other members within the association. Time commitments vary by committee, but most meet once a month or quarter for about an hour. They are fun and informative meetings.
Membership Committee
Chairs: Amy Wolf & Allen Knepper
Members: Josh Edwards, Caryl Coronis, Cheryl Toler, Ashton Rockwell, Taylor Short
Membership Committee is responsible for the Chapter’s membership recruitment and retention efforts. The committee meets approximately 6 times a year. Main responsibilities of the Membership Committee include:
· Identifying and Recruiting Prospective Members: The committee identifies prospective members and includes them in our database of potential members. The committee obtains names and addresses of guests at meetings and contacts them via email and phone call after the meeting or event and welcomes them to future events. In addition, the committee identifies companies currently not involved in the organization and contacts them through written correspondence or via telephone to inform them of the benefits of CFMA and to welcome them to upcoming events. This committee coordinates with Chapter Administrator to ensure that membership database is up to date.
· Promoting CFMA at events and Answering Inquiries Regarding Membership: The committee responds to inquiries raised by members and non-members regarding membership benefits. The committee is responsible for bringing and collecting name tags to all CFMA events, and ensuring all name tags have appropriate stickers, such as “Board Member” and “New Member”. The committee may be required to promote CFMA at local industry events and provide written materials or direct communication regarding its program and benefits. In addition, Membership Committee organizes one Social Event a year and several Roundtable Breakfast Events throughout the year.
· Integrate New Members Into The Organization: The committee contacts new members and welcomes them into the organization. In addition, the committee invites new members to upcoming events and facilitates interaction with other current members. The committee ensures new members have stickers on their names tags at CFMA events, which makes it easier for other members to identify them and welcome them to CFMA.
· Onboarding Process:
o Introduction email: Provides welcome note, meeting / luncheon dates and quick reference links to 1) Chapter Events 2) Board Members & Comm Chairs 3) Opportunities for committee involvement and 4) Educational offerings
o Phone call two weeks after the email: Provides a personal welcome, opportunity for new member to ask questions
o Introduction and/or new member name tag at next event
- Invitation to New Member Event to be held at least once per year (more often if necessary).
- Member of Committee personally reach out via quick call or email to new members prior to event to encourage attendance throughout initial year of membership.
· Hold Membership Drives: The committee conducts various membership drive activities, which may include “bring a friend raffle”, and other similar programs. These membership drives are to encourage members to reach out to their colleagues and invite them to our programs and events.
· Member Retention: Membership committee holds a retention campaigns, follows up with members who have not renewed their membership to remind them to do so, and maintains a headcount of General and Associate members. The Retentions Process includes:
o Periodic emails to promote and reinforce member resources and benefits.
o Collect and utilize feedback from members.
o Conduct annual survey of existing members. (What they like, do not like and potential improvements for the association events.)
o Monitor attendance reports to better gauge risk areas for non-renewals.
o Committee members to follow up with non-renewals via email and/or phone call.
Programs Committee
Chair: Jason Berkenpas
Members: Adam Dimmick, Andrea Williams, Sanela Minica, Martha Holland, David Wightman, Samantha Hutchison, Kevin Sullivan, & Denis Ducran
Programs Committee is responsible for the development, planning and execution of all Chapter luncheons, and coordinate charity efforts. The committee meets approximately 6 times per year. The Programs Committee responsibilities are:
· Annual planning meeting: The committee usually holds a planning meeting in November, after the Board Retreat, to brainstorm and narrow topics for chapter luncheons for the following year. Programs committee works other committees to prevent event conflicts.
· Designing event calendar and developing monthly luncheon programs: The committee develops monthly luncheon topics that address educational, informational and networking needs of our chapters. These programs are relevant, timely and presented in formats most convenient and meaningful to our members. The program committee members coordinate event speakers. In addition, this committee is responsible for coordinating charitable efforts.
· Executing monthly luncheons consists of:
o Working with Chapter Administrator to publicize all chapter Events via email and by posting events and their details to the Chapter website calendar.
o Coordinating announcements and speaker introductions.
o Working with Membership Committee to obtain the exact headcount for each event.
o Selecting venue and menu, making reservations, coordinating with venue the banquet hall requirements and networking area, ensuring the venue is equipped with projector, microphone, and laptop for presentation.
o Confirming speakers prior to the event.
o Coordinating event agenda and introductions with Chapter President.
Giving consideration to event sponsorships, if appropriate.
Golf Committee
Chair: Josh Edwards
Members: Toby Miclette, Josh Reynolds, & Justin DiLauro
Golf Committee is responsible for organizing the Chapter’s annual golf outing. The committee meets as required.
Golf Committee sets the date for the annual Golf Outing. The CFMA Golf Outing is usually scheduled in early October, and has traditionally been structured as a “Shot Gun” Scramble. The committee researches golf course options, and makes selection based on pricing, golf course reputation, location and availability. The committee determines the target participation, sources sponsorships for raffle prizes, beverage cart, dining, hole sponsors and special prizes, such as Closest to the Pin, and Longest Drive. In addition, the committee is responsible for registering golfers, maintaining headcount, and pairing up golfers with teams. The committee works with Chapter Administrator to publicize the golf outing via email and Chapter website. This committee is also responsible for securing volunteers for golfer registration and other activities on the day of the event.
Education Committee
Chair: Jason Berkenpas
Members: Frank Sharp, Rob Harrison, Lori Harrington, Ashton Rockwell, & Sean Johnston
Education Committee is responsible for the development of the Chapter’s education offerings. The committee meets as required.
The main event of the Education Committee is an annual Education Day. The Education Day is a full day event, and is usually scheduled in late October. The Committee may split the Education Day in two separate days if deemed necessary or practical. This event provides members and others associated with the construction industry continuing education on construction financial management and related topics, and provides members with the opportunity to earn CPE credits. The Education Committee selects topics and areas of interest for the Education Day that are relevant and current to the construction industry. The committee selects presenters that have specific subject matter experience so that they can provide practical experiences and examples whenever possible. The committee works with Chapter Administrator to publicize the event via email and Chapter website. The committee schedules a venue, coordinates breakfast and lunch deliveries and ensures the venue is equipped with projector, microphone and laptop for presentation. In addition, the committee is responsible for the attendee registration and coordinates the CPE credit distribution. This committee may occasionally coordinate other smaller education events with other committees, and promote webinars and other on-line training and educational opportunities organized by the CFMA National or other associations affiliated with CFMA.
Communication Committee
Chair: Sanela Minica
Member: Kelly Dando
Communication Committee is responsible for all the communication channels used by the Chapter to communicate with our members. These include our web site, and social media. The committee meets as needed.
The committee works closely with the Chapter Administrator to ensure the web site is always updated, and emails blasts are accurate and timely. This committee also works closely with other committees to ensure all the Chapter events are publicized. The committee works all IT related issues and glitches promptly as they occur. This committee strives to enhance the available opportunities for members to network through social media tools, and keeps the branding consistent for the Chapter in both online communications and traditional forms of marketing communications.
Young Professionals Committee
Chair: Ashton Rockwell
Members: Bryan Abee, Casey Carpenter, & Jason Berkenpas
The Young Professionals (YP) committee is responsible for planning events for members and their guests ages approximately 40 and under, to encourage further participation in the chapter through committee involvement and other leadership opportunities, as well as and to provide a format for those members and guests to develop deeper relationships within their peer group.
The YP committee meets a minimum of three times per fiscal year, hosting events such as job site walks, lunch-and-learns, and other social functions.
Lone Star Conference Committee
Chair: Caryl Coronis
Members: Lone Star Conference Committee members from other Texas Chapters
Lone Star Conference Committee is responsible for coordinating the annual CFMA Lone Star conference, which is a regional conference of all Texas chapters. The Lone Star Conference is usually held in late September and hosted by a Texas chapter on a rotating basis. The committee usually meets virtually with representatives from other Texas CFMA chapters as needed.
As representatives of our Chapter, this committee is involved in all aspects of the Lone Star conference organization. These activities include securing sponsors, selecting topics, scheduling speakers, reserving venue, selecting menu, organizing event entertainment for attendees, maintaining registration of attendees, promoting the event, and working closely with the representatives from other chapters to ensure that all organizational activates are handled. The committee also promotes the Lone Star Conference with our Chapter. This committee works with Chapter Administrator to publicize the event via email and Chapter website. When the Lone Star Conference is scheduled to be held in Houston, this committee is also responsible for organizing volunteers for attendee registration and other activities, as necessary.
Since the Lone Star Conference’s bank account is shown under the Houston Chapter’s tax ID, additional responsibilities accrue. It is the responsibility of this committee to ensure that the necessary information and documents regarding the Lone Star Conference’s fiscal year activity is delivered to the Houston Chapter Treasurer no later than April 30 of that same year so that the activity can be included in the chapter’s tax return. Additionally, this committee is responsible for providing information and answering any questions or concerns regarding the bank account as requested by the Houston Chapter Board of Directors.
Sponsorship Committee
Chair: Laura Thurman
Member: Scott Podism
Sponsorship Committee is responsible for developing and selling the bundled sponsorship packages. The committee meets as needed.
This committee structures four sponsorship bundles: Platinum, Gold, Silver and Bronze. The sponsorship bundles offer different values to sponsors and allow sponsor the chose which bundle best fits their budget and marketing needs. The sponsorship bundles provide the sponsor recognition at all events, in all email blasts and on chapter website. The sponsorship committee is responsible for setting sponsor targets, sourcing sponsors and selling sponsorship bundles to subsidize the Chapter events. This committee works closely with Chapter Administrator to ensure all sponsor logos are added timely to email blasts, website and social media, and that all sponsors are accurately categorized as Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze sponsors. The committee also ensures the sponsor recognition at all events. The committee maintains the past and current list of sponsors.
Scholarship Committee
Chair: Sanela Minica
Members: Geri Pacheco, Laura Thurman, & Amy Wolf
Scholarship Committee is responsible for maintaining the scholarship program. This committee reviews scholarship applications and recommends recipients to the Board of Directors. The Committee works with the Board on determining the scholarship amounts each year. The scholarship amounts are at the discretion of the Board and may vary from year to year. The number of scholarships awarded each year is determined by the Board. In the event no scholarship is awarded in a fiscal year, the scholarship funds will be rolled over to the next fiscal year.
The committee goal is to promote the further education and career advancement of individuals pursuing careers in accounting and construction or a construction related industry. The committee mission is to increase student awareness of CFMA and careers in the construction industry. Educational activities can include full or part-time students with a degree plan either graduate or undergraduate or successful completion of Certified Construction Industry Finance Professional (CCIFP) exam. The committee maintains the past and current list of scholarship recipients.
The committee awards two types of scholarships: one for students pursuing a degree in accounting, business (construction emphasis), engineering, construction management, or architecture at any accredited college or university, and one for members pursuing completion of Certified Construction Industry Finance Professional (CCIFP) exam. All candidates who apply by the deadline and meet the minimum requirements specified in the instructions are eligible for scholarships. These scholarships are an investment in the field of construction, and in the greater Houston area. They provide members and promising construction professionals with financial assistance while completing their studies.
The committee approves the application, sets dates for application submission, produces marketing materials, and ensures the Chapter Administrator is marketing the program to the committee’s satisfaction. The committee promotes the scholarship program at monthly meetings and special events. The committee presents scholarships at meetings. The committee meets as needed.
Additional scholarship committee responsibilities include:
· Recruit scholarship donors by organizing annul scholarship pledge.
· Work with the Sponsorship Committee to raise scholarship funds from chapter sponsors.
· Work with the Treasurer to ensure all scholarship funds and awards are tracked in a separate general ledger account.
· Maintain transparent scholarship funding and awards reports and updates.
· Provide scholarship funding and scholarship award reports to the Board for board meetings or as requested by the President.
· Ensure scholarship donors receive adequate amount of exposure.
· Provide feedback to donors and members on awarded scholarships.
· Publish the list of scholarship recipients on chapter website and social media.
· Ensure scholarship recipients are aware their basic information will be released to members and published on chapter’s website and social media accounts.