We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

Meet Victoria Terrell

Meet Victoria Terrell, Treasurer at Design Electric, Inc. out of Charlottesville, VA. She took some time to sit down with us and share more about her life in and out of the office. Check it out: 


Q1: What was your first job? 

A1: University Florist — a floral shop, and I learned about floral arranging but also was trained to take care of the retail shop, assisting customers, and taking orders.


Q2: What do you collect? 

A2: Whiskey, Bourbon, shot glasses, and really nice beach towels!


Q3: What do I have with me in meetings? 

A3: My notebook! It keeps me focused. I keep my notes running from meeting to meeting, I go back afterwards, and have a highlight system (to do, follow up, research, interesting).


Q4: When did you become a CFMA member? 

A4: Officially in 2017, but a mentor of mine introduced me to CFMA education and resources in 2010.


Q5: What energizes you at work? 

A5: Meetings! Deep conversations with my co-workers. Knowing that I'm a conduit to information, solutions, plans, and achieving our goals.


Q6: What time did you get up? 

A6: 5:30 a.m.


Q7: Best piece of advice given. 

A7: My Grandfather taught me the value of listening (to what a person says and doesn't say) and to always make time to listen. It may have taken a lot of effort for the person reaching out for the listening ear.


Q8: Favorite thing in my office. 

A8: The chair(s) in my office for guests, visitors, and co-workers!


Q9: Do you have any children? 

A9: Yes, a son who is 11.


Q10: What are you reading right now? 

A10: Boards that Excel by B. Joseph White.