We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

Meet the Board: Jason Berkenpas

Do you have children?  I have two boys, Bradyn is 11 and Dylan is 8. They are different in SO many ways but each has their own unique talents that make them special.

What is your favorite movie?  Tough to pick just one, but I'd probably have to go with Field of Dreams

What’s your favorite holiday to celebrate?  Christmas, for multiple reasons, but it’s a great time to slow down and make memories with family.

What is your favorite part of your job?  Getting to go out to clients and not sitting in the same office everyday, as well as getting to know and making connections with both clients and colleagues.

What have you learned about being a leader?  I think it's a mix of being willing to step up, step out of your comfort zone, engaging those on your team, and going with your gut on decision making.

Where did you grow up?  Moved around a bit growing up - born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, then elementary and middle school in Indianapolis, followed by most of high school in Newburg, Indiana, before moving to League City for my senior year of high school.

Are you married?  Yes, I met my wife, Kelly, at church in Houston in 1998. We celebrated our 17th wedding anniversary this spring.

Describe yourself in three words. Thoughtful, honest, loyal

What do you collect?  as a kid it was baseball cards. At one point growing up my career goal was to own a baseball card shop, but glad I moved past that. I still have a small collection that I held onto.

What was your first job?  Burger King, my junior year of high school. You would get a free meal every day that you worked. I think I gained a good 20 lbs that first six months.