We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

Meet Kevin Jacobs

Meet Kevin Jacobs, Partner at Moss Adams in Everett, WA. He took some time to sit down with us and share more about his life in and out of the office. Check it out: 


Q1: What time did you wake up this morning?

A1: 5:45.


Q2: Do you have children?

A2: Yes; My son, Ashton, is 5, and daughter, Brooklynn, is 2.


Q3: What's your favorite app?

A3: Calendar; I'd be lost without it.


Q4: What's your favorite holiday to celebrate?

A4: Thanksgiving. It's a great time to celebrate with family and friends, and it's the start of the winter holiday season.


Q5: How did you get into accounting?

A5: I planned to double major in business and computer science, but after only two weeks of computer science, I realized it was not for me. I dropped computer science and picked up accounting 201. The rest is history.


Q6: What do you do to unwind from work?

A6: Spend time with family and friends, hike, and travel.


Q7: What have you learned about being a leader?

A7: No two situations are the same, and be flexible and an active listener.


Q8: Where did you grow up at?

A8: New Jersey.


Q9: What is something you can never over-invest in?

A9: People.


Q10: What was your first job?

A10: I had a paper route with I was 11 and 12 and worked at a fast food restaurant during high school.