We apologize for the brief delay in launching CFMA’s new education and certification platforms. The CCIFP Recertification deadline has been extended to April 30, 2025. We truly appreciate your patience as we put the finishing touches on changes that are designed to improve and enhance your CFMA experience!

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  First Name Last Name Chapter Title Email Phone Number
Adam Dimmick Houston President Adam.Dimmick@crowe.com Edit
Jason Berkenpas, CCIFP Houston 1st Vice President jberkenpas@melton-melton.com Edit
Andrea Williams, CCIFP Houston 2nd Vice President awilliams@brookstone-tx.com Edit
Laura Thurman, CCIFP Houston Treasurer lthurman@tellepsen.com Edit
Geri Pacheco, CCIFP Houston Secretary gpacheco@arch-con.com Edit
Toby Miclette Houston Director tmiclette@bmbinc.com Edit
Laura Chalfant, CCIFP Houston Director laura.chalfant@iesmartsystems.com Edit
Josh Edwards Houston Director jedwards@melton-melton.com Edit
Allen Knepper Houston Director allen.knepper@bhspecialty.com Edit
Ashton Rockwell Houston Director ashton.rockwell@karsteninterior.com Edit
Abel Rodriguez Houston Director arodriguez@sc2-llc.com Edit
Kevin Sullivan Houston Director kevin@brayn.com Edit
Amy Wolf Houston Director AWolf@boyerinc.com Edit